Tuesday, January 4, 2011

One Week!

Okay, it's actually 8 days, but still...  I can't believe the time to to leave is coming up so quickly!  I'm getting on a plane next Wednesday and landing the next morning almost four thousand miles from home.  It's going to be really weird being away from my family and friends, not seeing the Wisconsin winter melt away, missing out on the opening of the Union Terrace.  But I'm incredibly excited about spending 5 months in Leeds (and other places)!

I have a terrible sense of direction--so bad that I manage to get turned around inside buildings.  But I kind of love that feeling of wandering and not quite recognizing your surroundings, but exploring and experiencing them.  I'm looking forward to getting lost in all sorts of new cities, and finding my way back again.  Hopefully in the in-between times I'll get some studying in, discover good food, meet new people.

Haven't started to pack yet...of course.  Procrastination strikes again!  I do have a pretty solid packing list and a to-do list to finish in the next week.  But I also have a lot of book-reading/TV and movie-watching/friend-seeing to do in the next 180 hours or so.  And then...on to Leeds, where I will drink boatloads of tea and develop a terrible British accent.  I'll try to keep you all updated with stories and pictures as it all unfolds!

Best wishes,


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